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2 Corinthians 3:3 
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
Thursday, April 21 2016
Beloved friends and family,
As I consider what has transpired over the past 7 days, amazement seems to be the operative emotion. I'm amazed by the love of Jesus expressed through His children like you the world over! I'm amazed that, as one dear friend wrote, "the prayers of the saints have pulled the cords of heaven" and brought such rapid healing and restoration! I'm amazed at the myriad ways in which the Lord is showing Himself strong through my weakness!
A dear friend who was present with us in the pre-op room just before my surgery, the Rev. Randall Trego, was prompted to write last Sunday's sermon based on what he had experienced with us that day at the hospital. He shared his observations of our prayers with the surgeons and staff, the peace of Christ that enveloped that little room and filled it with His glory, and this testimony:
"Each person who attended her was prayed for by Jan. Both doctors who were to be attending the surgery were eager for prayer. As we joined hands around the bed, they insisted that, for those who pray, even in those moments before going to the operating room, peace and healing come with greater ease. There was no fear in those moments. It was not a great ordeal of suffering, but great joy for what God was going to accomplish through each and every person involved. Jan insisted that the operating table was going to be an altar table upon which Jesus would show His love and mercy for each person involved in the work that was being done. There was not one detail that was a part of that procedure, not one person who had not been chosen to be the hands of Jesus to bring healing. As Philippe said, fear was not a choice; it was not even in his awareness."
God's word says in I John 4:18, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." Surrounded by the love of God manifested by the power of the Holy Spirit and displayed through the hearts and lives of those around us, there was no room for fear. This is who Jesus is: the perfect Son of God who became like us except without sin so that we too could become the children of God. He who knew no sin became sin for us so that through Him, we could become the righteousness of God. What greater love is there than this?! 
His love and the peace and joy that accompany it are available to all who desire Him. Receive the fullness of His love today. Be AMAZED!!!
Posted by: Jan de Chambrier AT 09:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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