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Thank you for your interest in Christian Healing Prayer! We are blessed by your interest and hope you will find these materials interesting and useful. Remember that we are here to help and offer speaking engagements and training and also will be happy to answer your questions or even pray for you and your team - just CONTACT US

This material is freely given and intended to be used for God's glory. These copyrighted materials are available for download and replication for any NOT FOR PROFIT activity. Sale of these materials for profit is strictly prohibited. Be blessed as you use it to further His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

The Chapel Healing Prayer Team Training Manual is the official resource we use in training hospital chapel healing teams. Based on God's word, the chapters include:

  • The Power of God's Love
  • God's Healthcare Plan
  • The Power of God to Heal
  • Our Authority as Believers in Christ
  • The Importance of Forgiveness
  • Sozo: Salvation, Healing, Deliverance
  • Hearing the Voice of God
  • Building a Culture of Faith
  • Service Protocol

The ILI Healing and Restoration Prayer Training, written by Rev. Jan de Chambrier, Dr Al VomSteeg and Rev. Kyle Phillips, is intended for use in an evangelical  and/or international church or group context where healing ministry may be an unfamiliar concept. Presented in a teaching format for use in a one-day or weekend retreat, the sessions include:

  • Introduction: The biblical foundations for healing ministry, with emphasis on healing as a powerful tool of evangelism
  • Authority to Heal: An explanation and exploration of the authority Jesus has delegated to the body of Christ to do those same things He did. 
  • Overcoming Obstacles: An apologetics approach to understanding the controversy that has surrounded healing ministry throughout the ages of church history, with emphasis on finding unity rather than creating division. 
  • Stewardship - The Practice of Healing Prayer: An emphasis on scriptural foundations relevant to healing, including confession, forgiveness, faith, anointing with oil, the power of the name of Jesus, praise and worship, the power of testimony, and love. 

Included are PowerPoints to facilitate group instruction and discussion. 

Encountering Jesus Prayer Training is designed for use in developing a church healing ministry. A compilation of many healing prayer tools, this training is derived from my experience with many anointed healing prayer ministries, including Celebration Ministries, Beth Shalom, Freedom Tools, Christ Healing Center, Christian Healing Ministries, Bethel Sozo, and others. Intended to be presented in a one-day or weekend retreat format, sessions include:

  • Why do we need healing prayer ministry?
  • Group exercises in hearing the voice of God
  • The importance of forgiveness
  • The Four Gateways
  • The Father Ladder.

Included in this training are a prayer of covering and a prayer for freedom from generational curses of Freemasonry. 

SILT Training is a tool we use for the purpose of identifying areas in our lives where Satan, the accuser of the brethren, may have gained legal access to the realm of the soul (mind, will, emotions). Using the acronym SILT, which stands for sin, iniquity, lies, and trauma, we examine how the consequences of unconfessed sin, generational iniquity, false belief systems, and traumatic events negatively impact our lives and those of our family members. We teach how to overcome these strongholds and include a specific prayer for each category. 

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